Tuesday 11 September 2018


How kids can make a difference

Do you know what can start small but can do humongous things if you guessed a child you are correct.Now we will get serious do you see around you you might see a nice tree a butterfly the beautiful sun but this not this all around the world.

Now I will talk about the dangers of the world. There a dangers to the world and I will list them for you explosive weapons, world war, poverty, global warming and extra .You might think it’s fine but you're wrong all of this will keep growing and growing until the human race is gone.

Now I’m going to talk to you about solutions to those problems. Stop littering if every kid in new Zealand pick up one piece of rubbish that's 1.4 million pieces of rubbish gone from pollution sounds like a lot right but what if every kid in the world picked up one piece of rubbish that’s 1.9

billion rubbish WOW! But that’s is only one of the many world threats. World hunger the suction food but how do we get this food I know make a food grower that makes food get bigger. You might think that’s not possible but it could if you try really hard.

People that have made a difference think about it.If people have made a difference how do you think Martin Luther king jr what he did as a kid you think he would of sat there just no he would of trying to fight to make a difference look at him now he made the world change.Elbert entine he is one of the most smartest people ever to live.

what do you think he did as a kid he couldn't talk till he was four years old but did that stop him from be becoming one of the most smartest people ever to live he worked and worked till his limits were accomplished. These people have done everything they can as a kid look in a history book they are amazingly famous.

Okay have you got all of this information.Now you know how to make a difference so why don’t you go out there and make a difference.

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